Once a Wolverine, ALWAYS a Wolverine!
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
TEWWG chs 13-15
In chapter 13, Janie leaves Eatonville to go meet Tea Cake in Jacksonville, where they are married and begin their life together. Janie almost immediately becomes suspicious of Tea Cake's motives when the money she brought with her disappears along with him. When he finally does return the next day he has quite a story to tell about a party he threw with her money. Janie’s reaction is to chastise him for having such a good time without her. My reaction probably would have been a lot different. What would you have done had such a scenario arisen in your romantic life? How does Tea Cake win Janie’s money back? Tea Cake then decides to move his new family down on the “muck” which is the locals’ nickname for the Florida Everglades, a large swampy area of Florida. Tea Cake and Janie move to the edge of Lake Okechobee. Early in chapter 14, there are a couple of instances of foreshadowing: One when Hurston describes the area where they live as only being separated from the lake by the dyke (dam), and the other when Tea Cake spends countless hours teaching Janie how to shoot a rifle. Both of these will be important to the story later on. Chapters 14 and 15 both give us insight into life on the “muck” as well as introducing us to a number of new “characters”. How would you describe Tea Cake and Janie’s life on the lake? Also, please give me your impressions of Chapter 15, which is the shortest chapter, but quite revealing about the relationship between Janie and Tea Cake. Please make sure you answer all questions and phrase your response in complete sentences. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Exam schedule for the week of December 16th
The exam schedule for first semester is as follows:
Monday, December 16 -------- 1st period exam
Tuesday, December 17-------- 2nd and 3rd period exams
Wednesday, December 18---- 4th and 5th period exams
Thursday, December 19 ------ 6th and 7th period exams
Friday, December 20---------- Exam make-up day
U. S. History students your diorama projects are due the day of your exam. Psychology students your neuron model project is due on the date of your exam. Grades will be posted by January 6th, which is the day you come back to school from Christmas break. I will NOT be at school that day. This means that all makeup work must be in prior to that date. EVERYTHING must be completed BEFORE you leave for break in order for it to be graded and put into STI over the break.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Their Eyes Were Watching God, chs 8-10
In chapter 8, Joe and Janie essentially start living separate lives after the argument in the store. Joe is sick-- a fact Janie notices, but he won't allow her to take care of him. In fact, he starts taking advice from other people, some of whom don't have his best interests at heart. On Joe's deathbed, Janie expresses to him everything she had been holding in. What is the first thing Janie does after Joe dies? What does this symbolize to her? During Joe's funeral, Janie shows all of the outward signs of being a grieving widow. "The funeral was going on outside...Inside the black expensive folds were resurrection and life." How is Joe's death, in a way, a rebirth for her? Explain what she means by this statement: "To my thinkin', mourning oughtn't tuh last no longer'n grief." She also comes to realize at this time in her life how much she resents her grandmother for trying to get her to conform to a certain station in life, instead of allowing her true self to shine. In chapter 10 we meet a new character, Tea Cake. Janie is immediately attracted to his vibrant energy. She also loves that he doesn't treat her with "kid gloves", but as an actual thinking, feeling human being. To recieve full credit for posting you must respond to the post in complete sentences, and respond to one of your classmates' comments as well. Spelling and grammar count.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Thursday, December 5
U. S. History students did chapter 17 vocabulary and took notes entitled "U. S. Imperialism". Both of these assignments can be found on the class wiki. Please do not forget to read Their Eyes Were Watching God chapters 8- 10 this weekend and respond to the blog post. Your notebook test is scheduled for next Thursday. Psychology students took notes entitled "The Nervous System." These notes can be found on the class wiki. U. S. Government students, did a bellringer, a political cartoon, and a vocabulary activity. Bellringers and Vocabulary activity 10 were both turned in for a grade. Your unit 3 test will be next Tuesday. Your notebook test is scheduled for next Thursday.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Wednesday, December 4th
U. S. History classes will need to read Their Eyes Were Watching God chapters 8-10 and respond to the appropriate blog post over the weekend. We also received our project to go along with the novel today. You can get a copy of it on the absentee bulletin board. The project will be due during exam week. If you would like to get ahead in class, tomorrow we will be doing Chapter 17 vocabulary from your textbook. These terms are already online on the wiki. Psychology classes took Module 8 test today. This was an open book test using pages 154-155 of your textbook. Module 7 vocabulary was assigned at the end of class. These terms are online on the wiki. Government students, please be reminded that you must complete 20 hours of online work in the ACCESS distance learning program. You are quickly approaching your deadline, and this is a graduation requirement. If you missed class today, you missed a bellringer, plus we did guided reading 8-4 and took notes on the executive office of the president. These notes are in a word document located on the class wiki, under Unit 3 Notes. The worksheet is on the absentee bulletin board. We did not turn it in.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Their Eyes Were Watching God, chs 4 & 5
In Chapter 4 of Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie meets Joe Starks, who is unlike any black man she has ever met. Describe her impressions of him. How is he different than Logan? Janie and Joe get to Eatonville, Florida in Chapter 5 where they are disappointed to see the state that the town is in. When Joe buys land and starts to build houses and a store in the town, the townspeople are initially excited. They name him mayor, which also gives Janie a certain status. There is a celebration surrounding the installation of a streetlight. As the town grows, however, and Joe attains a certain status, it starts to stir very different feelings in some of the townspeople, particularly when he builds his own house. “Take for instance that new house of his. It had two stories with porches, with banisters, and such things. The rest of the town looked like servants’ quarters surrounding the ‘big house.’” The citizens start to feel inferior, and Joe likes it. He desires to be set apart from others and wants Janie to feel the same, but she doesn’t. We talked in class about how Nanny had put Janie in a “box” because of her own feelings and understanding of what black women needed. Explain to me how Joe is doing something similar. Give examples. Also read the following statement from the last page of chapter five. Analyze what is meant by it. “The town had a basketful of feelings good and bad about Joe’s positions and possessions, but none had the temerity to challenge him. They bowed down to him rather, because he was all of these things, and then again he was all of these things because the town bowed down.”
In order to receive full credit for this entry you must answer all the questions and respond to at least one other commenter's post. Your response should be well thought out and articulate. Please remember that you are writing for an audience. Slang is unacceptable.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Tuesday, November 19
Any Government student who missed today's test will need to make it up after school on Thursday.
Their Eyes Were Watching God, chapter 1
In chapter 1 of Their Eyes Were Watching God, we are introduced to Janie, who is our main protagonist. Chapter 1 is one of only two chapters in the book that take place in the present. The other chapters are all Janie telling the story of her life to her best friend Phoeby. The book is Janie's story written from an auto-biographical perspective. We are introduced to the insights she has picked up over her lifetime about who she is and what she considers important in life. The opening line of the book reads: “Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board. For some they come in with the tide. For others they sail forever on the same horizon, never out of sight, never landing until the Watcher turns his eyes away in resignation, his dreams mocked to death by Time. That is the life of men. Now, women forget all those things they don't want to remember, and remember everything they don't want to forget. The dream is the truth. Then they act and do things accordingly.”
Analyze this statement. What do you think Hurston meant by this? The men and the women of the town have very different reactions to Janie's return to Eatonville, Florida, where the story is set. Describe their reactions. You must respond to to both questions in order to recieve full credit for this post. Each online discussion will be worth forty points. The online portion of discussion constitutes half of your participation grade. You will have until Friday to respond to this topic.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Monday, November 18
U. S. History classes copied a chart on Roosevelt's Progressive Legislation. This chart can be found on the class wiki page. Students completed and turned in Vocabulary activity 18. This assignmnet is on the absentee bulletin board. You have until Friday to submit it. Students also did a geography in history acivity. You must ASK me for this assignment. It is not on the absentee bulletin board. Your test on chapter 18 will be this Friday. This test is almost all vocabulary. There is a study guide online on the class wiki. If you did not bring your copy of Their Eyes Were Watching God to class today for the book check, you need to bring it in immediately. You currently have a test grade zero. The first blog post on the book will go up tomorrow. You are required to participate in this blog. This constitutes half of your participation grade for our work with the novel. You must post original answers as well as respond to your peers. Government students have a test tomorrow on Unit 2. There is a study guide online on the class wiki. The Create a State project is due this Friday. If you have not performed your part of the group project I have informed your team NOT to put your name on the project. You will receive three zeroes for this major grade. Psychology students completed and turned in a graphic organizer in which they labelled the parts of the brain. You must ask me for this assignment. You have until Friday to submit it. Your test on Module 8 is scheduled for this Friday.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
U. S. History Reminder!!
All students MUST have the book "Their Eyes Were Watching God" in class on this Monday, November 18. This is a TEST grade! You also must join this blog. A lot of our book discussion will take place through online literature circles using the blog.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Wednesday November 13
Psychology students will have a test tomorrow on Module 6. Government students did a bellinger, Guided Reading 7-1 and Vocabulary activity 7, as well as a Supreme Court case study. These assignments can be found on teh absentee bulletin board. Only Vocabulary activity 7 needs to be turned in. You only have two more days of group work before your project is due next Friday. Your unit 2 test will be next Tuesday. I will have a study guide online on the wiki by this Friday. U. S. History students began working on a women's suffrage skit. You will be performing these in class this Friday. Also, your women's suffrage prezi must be emailed to me by Friday at alyxandra.price@mps.k12.al.us
Friday, November 8, 2013
Friday, November 8
U. S. History-- students watched a documentary on the Progressive Era. If you were not in class, you must write and submit a one page report on that topic by next Friday. Government students did bellringer #5 and turned in bellringers. They also did chapter summary 6 and a political cartoon. These are located on the absentee bulletin board. We took notes entitled "The Work of Congress, part 2". These are on teh wiki.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Wednesday, November 6
U. S. History students took notes entitled "The Progressive Era". These notes are located on the class wiki. We also read a biograhical excerpt on Robert M. LaFollette and did a guided reading activity. Both of these are located on the absentee bulletin board. WE did not turn them in. Please remember that your women's suffrage prezi project must be submitted by next Friday. In order to submit you must hit the "share" button, then hit "copy link". Send the link to me in an email. Government students did bellringer #4, and guided reading 16-2. The guided reading is on the bulletin board. We did not turn it in. Psychology students began working on their vision boards. If you did not bring your materials today, please do so tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Tuesday, Nov. 5
Psychology students need to bring foam board and magazines to class tomorrow for the vision board project.
U. S. History students took chapter 16 test and did chapter 18 vocabulary. The vocabulary can be found on the class wiki. You will need to make up the test Thursday after school. Government students did a bellringer and Vocabulary activity 6. This is located on the absentee bulletin board.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Monday, November 4
Psychology classes took notes entitled "Early Adulthood". These notes located on the class wiki. Students need to bring magazines and a piece of foam board to class on Wednesday for a project. U. S. History classes were given a new project today. This is the women's suffrage prezi project. A description of it is on the class wiki. Just scroll to the bottom of the U. S. History page. They will need to use the website www.prezi.com to complete this project. The project is due November 15 and must be submitted to me through email at alyxandra.price@mps.k12.al.us . Also Chapter 16 test is tomorrow. There is a study guide on the class wiki.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Friday, November 1st
U. S. History classes did guided reading activity 16-3 and turned it in. We read Supreme Court case study Plessey v. Ferguson. Both of these assignments are on the absentee bulletin board. They also took notes entitled "Race Relations in the Gilded Age". These notes are on the class wiki. There will be a quiz on Monday. On Monday you will also receive your next project. We will be using www.prezi.com to create a presentation on a woman suffragist. There is a link to the website to the right of this page. You will recieve your person on Monday. Your chapter 16 test will be Tuesday. Government students watched a video on the legislative branch. If you missed class today, you have until next Friday to write a one page reposrt on Congress. We also did a bellringer and Unit 2 vocabulary. The vocabulary terms are due Monday. They are on the class wiki. The library schedule for group projects for next week is as follows: 2nd period-- Monday and Friday. 3rd and 7th periods-- Monday and Thursday.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Happy Halloween!
Psychology class took a test on Module five and did the module six vocabulary web. You will have to see me for the vocabulary assignment. The test was open book. U. S. History classes completed and turned in 16-2 guided reading and we did a biographical reading on Ida B. Wells-Barnett. These assignments are on the absentee bulletin board. Government classes did Bellringer #1 entitled "The Senate" then took the notes on "Power of Congress." These notes are on the class wiki. We also did a political cartoon and a reading on Hiram Revels. These assignments are located on the absentee bulletin board. Government classes will go to the library next Monday to work on the Create a State project. ALL CLASSES: Remember that I am giving homework passes out to students who participate in the community service activity by bringing donations of personal care items for the VA Hospital. I need these by next Friday.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Monday, October 28
Psychology students were given interview questions to interview people at different life stages. This will not be due until next week. Oral reports on rites of passage are due tomorrow. History students watched a video and took a video quiz on the gilded age. If you missed class today you will need to write a one page report by next Monday on that subject. Government classes completed a guided reading and re teaching activity. These assignments are on the absentee bulletin board. We also turned in bellringers. All students: we are taking donations to fill shoeboxes for veterans. These will be delivered on Veterans Day to the VA hospital. For those who choose to participate, please bring toiletries and personal care items to donate. I will be giving homework passes out for participation.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Monday's class
Government students had a test on chapter 4 and did chapter 5 vocabulary. On Tuesday you will receive your Create a State group project. This is a major project consisting of three grades: project grade, group grade, and individual grade. U. S. History students will have a test Wednesday on Chapter 15. If you missed class Monday you need to get 15-4 guided reading off the absentee bulletin board and turn it in to me. Psychology students went to the library to research an essay on rites of passage in world cultures. You will need to see me to get this assignment.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Thursday, October 17
Due to the schedule being frozen for the PLAN test administration, the Government chapter 4 test will be on Monday.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Tuesday, October 15
Psychology classes-- started Module 5 dealing with adolescents. You will need to see me to get the devlopmental chart for this module. Please remember that your Piagetian tasks project is due Friday. You must answer ALL of the questions on handouts 11-7 and 11-9, and on handout 11-8, do number 1, number 2, and choose one of the experiments from number 3. All of your questions, answers, and experiment findings must be typed and presented in a clear plastic report cover. U. S. History classes did an immigration photo study and analyzed a line graph on immigration in the 1800s. We also turned in bellringers. The immigration graph can be found on the absentee bulletin board. Government classes took notes entitled "The Division of Powers in a Federal System." these notes can be found on the class wiki. We also went over guided reading 4-1. Your chapter 4 test will be this Friday.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Modnay, October 7
All students need to be reminded that tomorrow is the last day to make up test and quizzes. U. S. History students did bellringer #4: Analyzing tabular Data, then guided reading 15-1 and vocabulary activity 15. We turned in both worksheets. These can be found on the absentee bulletin board, and must be turned in by Wednesday in order to receive credit. Psychology> students took notes on Social Development and did a self evaluation to determine temperament. (11-3) The lecture notes can be found on the class wiki.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Wednesday, October 2
All classes: The last day for makeup work for the first nine weeks is next Thursday. Government and History classes will have their notebook test next Thursday. Government classes will test tomorrow on the Constitution. Today we did two worksheets on the Bill of Rights. The worksheets were not collected and can be found on the absentee bulletin board. Remember, this test was announced on Monday, so even if you were absent today you are expected to take the test tomorrow. Due to the project due date on Monday there will be no re-test. U. S. History classes took chapter 14 test today and completed chapter 15 vocabulary. Those who were goven extended time on vocabulary please remember that your vocabulary is due by 7:30 tomorrow morning. Tomorrow I will distribute your first project. This is the Turn of the Century PhotoStory project. If you would liek to get ahead, a description of this project, the project rubrics and two examples can be found on the class wiki. Psychology classes took notes on Cognitive Development. These notes can be found on the wiki. Psychology classes will be given their next project tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Test and Project Due Dates
U. S. History classes have a test on Chapter 14 tomorrow. The re-test will be Friday. You will also receive your Photo Story project this Thursday. Government classes have a test on the Constitution this Thursday. There will not be a re-test! Your Revolutionary Rap project is due next Monday.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
If You Missed It... Friday, September 27
Government classes watched a video on the Constitution and took a video quiz. If you missed class you will need to write a one page report on the subject. The report will be due Friday, October 4th. We also did a supreme cpurt case study, Marbury vs. Madison and a worksheet on the Constitution. Both of these sheets are on the absentee bulletin board. Your test on the Constitution is curretly scheduled for Wednesday, but may be changed due to homecoming activities. Please be working on your Revolutionary Rap project, which is worth two test grades and is due On October 7th. Psychology class completed and turned in a self test. We will be starting Module 4 on Monday. If you have not yet received a textbook please see me. U. S. History classes did lecture notes entitled "The Growth of Railroads." These can be found on the class wiki. We also completed and turned in Guided Reading worksheet 14-2. This is on the absentee bulletin board and if you missed class, you need to complete it and submit it by Tuesday.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
September 24, 2013
Government classes did a partner activity re-writing the Bill of Rights. If you were absent you will need to get this assignment, complete it on your own, and turn it in to me. We also did worksheets 3 & 5 from "The Living Constitution" workbook. These are located on the absentee bulletin board. U. S. History students watched a video entitled Industrializaztion and Urbanization and took a video quiz. In order to replace this grade, students who missed today will have until next Tuesday to write a one page report on the subject. Psychology classes watched a documentary on Genetics and completed an active review. You must write a one page report on twin studies and turn it in by next Tuesday in order to replace this class if you missed class today.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Access Distance Learning
All Government students must go to Acess Distance Learning (see the link to the right of this page) and register for the online class. You are required to complete 20 hours of online work by the beginning of November. This is a requirement for graduation, per the Montgomery County BOE. If you came to class last week, you should have already registered and joined your class. Those of you who did not attend class last week must follow these very specific directions.
1. Click the access link on the right side of this page.
2. Once the page comes up, click the "login" link
3. Click the "new account" link.
4. Complete all the portions highlighted in red.
5. When it asks for your county, use the drop down menu to choose Montgomery County.
6. When it asks for years of experience put 0.
7. When it asks for role, use the drop down menu to put "other".
8. Submit your information, then check your email to complete your registration.
9. When you return to the access distance learning site, click the "home" link.
10. Choose Montgomery County
11. Choose Carver High School
12. 2nd period students should choose US_Gov_CarverHS_Price1
13. 3rd period students should choose US_Gov_CarverHS_Price2
14. 7th period students should choose US_Gov_CarverHS_Price3
15. Complete any assignments given to your class.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Thursday, September 12
All classes will have a test tomorrow!! U. S. History test is on chapter 13. We also took a quiz today. You will need to see me after school next week in order to make that up. Fourth period only watched a video on westward expansion. If you are in fourth period you must write a one page report on the subject and submit it by next Friday in order to receive credit for this assignment. Psychology classes took notes entitled "Research Strategies, part 3". Check the wiki for these notes. Your test will be on Module 2. Government classes did a political cartoon and a primary source reading on called "Debate on the Proposed Constitution". Both of these assignments are on the absentee bulletin board. Your test will be on chapter 2.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Tuesday, September 10
U. S. History-- students completed yesterday's notes and were given a worksheet, Chapter 13, section 2. There will be a quiz Thursday on Chapter 13, section 3. Your chapter 13 test will be Friday. Government-- students completed yesterday's notes and did a representation simulation. You have a quiz tomorrow on The Constitutional Convention. Your chapter 2 test will be Friday. Psychology-- Students took notes wntitled "Research Strategies, part 2." We will complete these notes tomorrow. These notes are available on the class wiki.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Monday, September 9
Today, both the U. S. History and Government classes took a quiz and took notes. If you missed the quiz, you will need to see me tomorrow or Thursday after school. I will not give the quiz after this Thursday. The History notes are called "Conflicts with Native Americans", and the Government notes are called "Comparing and Contrasting Rival Plans at the Constitutional Convention." All notes can be accessed on the class wiki. Both the U. S. History classes and the Government classes will have a quiz on Wednesday. Psychology students did a Module 2 guided reading and turned it in for a grade. If you missed class today, you must get this paper and turn it in the day after you return to school. You will need to see me to check out a book. Reminder: Open House is tomorrow. Please invite your parents. I look forward to seeing you there.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Alerts for Monday
Both the History and Government classes will have a quiz Monday. And please remember to invite your parents to open house this Tuesday.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Thursday, September 5th
U. S. History students watched a documentary on Westward Expansion. If you missed class today you have until next Friday to write and turn in a one page report on the subject in order to make up the grade. We also did a bar graph on the gold rush and turned it in. You will need to get this assignment off of the absentee bulletin board. Government students turned in their bellringers. They also took notes and did a worksheet on the Articles of Confederation. We also read an exceprt from "Common Sense". There will be a quiz tomorrow on the Articles of Confederation. Psychology students watched a video on correlational studies and read a psychological case study.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Picture Day
Due to being frozen in schedule for most of the day, there are no new class notifications, but I do ask that all of you go to www.wsfa.com and click on "Fever Star Athlete of the Week" and vote for Shaun Hamilton.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Tuesday, Septmenber 3
U.S. History classes-- took notes entitled "Miners and Ranchers". These can be found on the class wiki under the chapter 13 resources. Also, students were assigned guided reading 13-1 as homework. This is due immediately when you come into class tomorrow. If you weren't in class today, you need to get it off the absentee bulletin board and turn it in by Thursday. Government classes-- had a bellringer called "Reading a Chart". You will need to get this from a fellow classmate. We also did a political cartoon and a guided reading activity. We did not turn it in. You can get this off the absentee bulletin board. Psychology-- students took notes entitled "Research Strategies". These can be found on the class wiki. We also completed and turned in chapter 2 vocabulary.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Wednesday, August 28
ALL CLASSES need to text @73297 to 334-239-4751. This is a remind101 alert system, which-- once you register-- will allow me to send you reminders of test, projects, etc. to you via text message. When it prompts you to reply, please send me your real name-- not your nickname or twitter/ instagram name. U.S. History classes-- completed the Five Themes of Geography activity and began watching the documentary "Recycled Life". Your test is Friday. Don't forget to check the wiki for a study guide. Government-- took a quiz. If you missed class, I will need to see you befor or after school next week to make it up. We also did a primary source reading and a worksheet. These are on the absentee bulletin board. Your chapter 1 test is tomorrow. Psychology-- completed the psychologist foldable and took notes on various careers in psychology. These notes are online here: http://classroom.lagovistaisd.net/webs/john_tinsley/upload/psychology_notes_chapter_1.pdf You need pages 6-11. Your chapter 1 test is tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Tuesday, August 27
U.S. History-- Students worked in pairs on an activity using the five themes of geography. If you were absent, you will have to complete this activity on your own. See me for details. Your geography skills test is Friday. There is a study guide online on the class wiki. Government-- Because of grade level meetings, these classes are a day behind. Yesterday's lesson still applies, and you will still have a test Thursday. Psychology-- Students took notes on the History of Psychology. These notes are located on the class wiki. Tomorrow we will complete our flip book activity on psychologists. Your test is Thursday. Check the class wiki for a set of review flashcards.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Monday, August 26
U. S. History-- Students copied notes entitled "The Five Themes of Geography" and did Geography Skills Activity 12. The notes can be found on the class wiki. You will need to get them from there. The geography skills activity you will need to get from the absentee bulltin board. Chapter 1 test will be Friday. Government-- students did bellringer #2, a political cartoon, and guided reading activity chapter 1 section 3. These are located on the absentee bulletin board. We also copied two charts from the SMARTboard on "Characteristics of American Democracy" and "Power Levels Among Government". I can provide these notes ONLY if you remain after school. You may also get them from a classmate. There will be a quiz tomorrow on the notes. Chapter 1 test is Thursday. Psychology--Students copied the prezi notes entitled "Six Perspectives of Psychology". The link to these notes are on the wiki page. We also completed the six perspectives puzzle activity. Your chapter 1 test will be Thursday.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
August 22
U. S. History-- classes did Bellringer #3 entitled "World Map". Students also completed geography activites on time zones and resource maps. Students were given a homework assignment called "One Product Countries". If you missed class today, you can get this assignment from teh absentee bulletin board. Government-- class completed and turned in chapter 1 vocabulary. Students also copied two charts and did lecture notes entitled "Introduction to Government". These notes are on the class wiki. Just click the link on the left side of this page. There will be a quiz tomorrow on the four theories of the origin of government, the four functions of government, and the four essential features of a state. Psychology-- students completed and turned in chapter 1 vocabulary and copied notes entitled "Why Study Psychology?". These notes are linked on the class wiki. Just click the link on the left side of this page, go to teh psychology page, and click the prezi link to teh notes.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
August 21
U. S. History-- Today we did a bellringer entitled: Analyzing Graphic Data. We also did notebook assignments from Building Skills in Geography. The assignments covered latitute and longitude and understanding time zones. If you were absent, you need to get these assignments off of the absentee board when you return. Make sure that you have returned the signed portion of your syllabus to me. Psychology-- We completed the small group activity that involved creating a timeline on the history of psycholgy. Then we did the chapter 1 vocabulary words and turned them in. These word can be found on the class wiki. Simply click the link on the left side of this page. Make sure that you have returned the signed portion of your syllabus to me. Government-- please go on the class wiki and download a copy of the class syllabus. You have until Monday to bring it to class and recieve your credit.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Exam Schedule
Apparently a new exam schedule for underclassmen was distributed this week, and somehow I didn't receive one. The new schedule is as follows: Friday, 1st and 2nd period exams-- Monday, 3rd and 4th period exams-- Tuesday, 5th and 6th period exams-- Wednesday monring, 7th period exam. Thursday will be make-up day for any student that missed their exams.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Last week of classes
Good morning, we are coming upon our last week of classes. Economics students-- 1st through 6th period grades will be posted by Monday at 3. This goes for ALL of you classes. You take 7th period exam Tuesday morning, thus that class will be posted by Tuesday at noon. U. S. History classes will be watching Memphis Belle this week. This is a movie about a bomber crew during WWII. Their will be a movie quiz to complete for a grade. You still have three graded assignments that I have not yet entered into the computer; your chapter 24 test, which is a major grade, and two minor grade worksheets that correlated to chapter 24. Your study guide for the final exam is online on the wiki. Please print it off as I will not be distributing one to you during class. Your final exam schedule is as follows: May 17- 7th period exam, May 20- 1st and 2nd period exams, May 21- 3rd and 4th period exams, May 22- 5th and 6th period exams, May 23- makeup.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Selma, Lord, Selma Chapter 22
In the last chapter that takes place in 1965, we learn how Rachel was affected by all that happened in Selma that year. We also see the death of Jonathon Daniels, the young seminary student who was so well liked by the blacks of Selma. His death actually happens several months after the Selma to Montgomery march. There were several deaths that happened during the course of the book. Whose death do you personally consider the saddest, and why? The summer of 1965 saw the signing of the Voting Rights Act which prvented states from interefering with African American's constitutional right to vote. In the intro to chapter 22, there is a quote by President Lyndon Johnson "Let me now say to every Negro in this country: You must register. You must vote. You must learn so your choice advances your interest and the interest of our beloved country." Yet in the past 48 years since the passage of the act, African American voter turnout is consistently below that of other ethnic groups. It has fallen from 69% participation in 1964 to 58% by 2008. Why do you think this is so? How can more blacks be encouraged to vote? Explain Sheyann's statement at the end of chapter 23: "In those days we had a cause, something to strive for. Today, peorple don't seem to have anything to keep them going. They just go around trying to make a living."
Friday, April 26
EConomics students-- Had a test on chapter 11 and were given chapter 12 vocabulary. Many of you chose to skip school for "senior skip day" even though there is no such thing. You will not be allwoed to make up the test. You made a poor choice and it has a consequence. I will be giving out the final exam study guide next Friday. We do not yet have a final exam schedule for seniors. Your note book test will be Monday, May 6th. We will organize notesbooks on next Friday. U. S. History students-- Make sure you blog on Selma, Lord, Selma this weekend. I will be posting it later today, and you have until Monday evening to respond. We will finish the book Monday in class and your final quiz will be next Thursday. Your chapter 23 test is Tuesday, and your New Deal poster project is due Tuesday as well. I will post your exam schedule next week.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Monday, April 22
As you are aware, I missed most of last week at school. Because of that, our schedule has been thrown WAY off.
U. S. History-- Selma, Lord, Selma days will be Tuesday and Thursday this week. Our final quiz on the book will be next week. Don't forget that you have a project due this Friday. I also gave out another "mini" project today: the New Deal Poster project. If you missed class, you need to get one off the absentee board when you return. I also have two links that you can use for reserach. Just look on my Carver webpage and click "links". We also did guided reading 23-3. This is also located on the absentee bulletin board. Economics-- Watched a video called the "Money Connection" and took a quiz. Please remember that your project is due next Friday. Please use the bankrate.com website to help you with your research. I will be avaialble before school this Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday and after school Tuesday, Thursday and Friday if you have questions.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Monday, April 15
Economics-- Today I gave out the Personal Investment Plan project. This project can be found on the class wiki, along with an example and the project rubric. Your chapter 6 test will be Thursday. U.S. History students-- If you missed class today, you may make up your test either Tuesday or Thursday after school. You also need to turn in your chapter 23 vocabulary. This is located on the class wiki page. Please bring Selma, Lord, Selma to class tomorrow. You will have a quiz on chapters 7- 15.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Friday, April 12
Blogging from the prom-- just because I can. Admit it-- you were texting, tweeting, and updating your Facebook status during prom.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Thursday, April 11
Due to the early dismissal the U. S. history test is being delayed until Monday. Remember I will be blogging on Selma, Lord, Selma this weekend.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Tuesday, April 9
U. S. History students: If you missed class today you missed a video documentary and quiz entitled "Voices of the Dust". You will need to write a one page report on the Dust Bowl and turn it in by next Tuesday in order to receive credit for the assignment. Your study guide for your chapter 22 test is online on the wiki. This test only has 23 questions and half of them are DBQs. Your notes and vocabulary are very important. Economics students: If you missed class today you need to see me before or after school to make up your Chapter 5 test. Your chapter 6 vocabulary is online on the wiki, and on the Carver website under the "assignments" link.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Economics Test
Your study guide for the chapter 5 test is on the Carver website. Click on my page and then click the link that says "assignments". Your test is Tuesday. You will NOT have time to study in class before the test so be prepared!
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Saturday, April 6
There will be no Selma, Lord, Selma blog post this weekend. We will be discussing chapters 9-12 on Monday. Have a safe weekend!
Friday, April 5, 2013
Friday, April 5
U. S. History students-- I will be blogging this weekend on Selma, Lord, Selma chapters 9-11. Make sure you respond by Monday. Check the absentee board for the assignments you missed today. Your chapter 22 test will be next Thursday. I will have a study guide online by Monday. There will be NO re-test so PLEASE study! Economics students-- Your chapter 5 test will be next Tuesday. If you missed class today, please, please, PLEASE go on the wiki and get the notes entitled "Making Production Decisions'. This is a new concept just introduced in class today, and WILL BE TESTED next Tuesday. I will not have time to re-teach the concept Monday. I have also posted links to some You Tube videos that further explain the concept. You will have a study guide online for your test this weekend, because we will NOT have a re-test.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Wednesday, April 3
**IMPORTANT** 7th period students-- If you missed class to attend the prom fashion show, please make sure you get "Plotting Supply Curves" off the absentee board. You also missed a bellringer: "Santa, A Sloppy Supplier?" and lecture notes entitled "Changes in Supply". The notes can br found on the wiki or the webpage. U. S. History students need to make sure they have the notes entitled "Causes of the Great Depression". These can also be found on the wiki or the webpage. You also had a bellringer today entitled "Oh Whatta Headache!" I also gave out a "mini- project" today. It's a Great Depression collage. It is a 50 point major grade, and is due next Monday. A copy of this project description is on the wiki near the bottom of the page. Remember to bring Selma, Lord, Selma to class tomorrow. You should be on chapter 8.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Tuesday, April 2
U. S. History students-- If you missed class today we did a bellringer entitled "The LEaves Are Scattered" and we turned in our bellringers. You also turned in vocbaulary from chapter 22, which was last night's homework. Tonight you need to complete guided reading 22-1 and turn it in tomorrow. You will need to get a new notebook assignmnet sheet off the bulletin board. Those of you who weren't here Monday when I gave out the Selma, Lord, Selma project need to get on off the absentee bulletin board. Make sure you have Selma, Lord, Selma in class on Thursday. You need to be on chapter 8 by then. Economics students-- did worksheets entitled "What Is Supply?" and the "Law of Supply". We also took a quiz. You will have another quiz on Thursday. Your Stock Market project is due next Monday at the beginning of your class period, NO EXCUSES. You may continue to trade until this Friday.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Selma, Lord, Selma chs 1& 2
Selma, Lord, Selma is an autobiographical account of early 1965 in Selma, Alabama told from the viewpoint of two little girls who lived through the turbulence of that era. Each chapter is told in a first person account from either Sheyann's or Rachel's account of what happened each day. In the very first chapter Sheyann misses school in order to see what's happening in the church. She hears the speaker make a statement that she later asks her mother to clarify. He says "If you can't vote, then you're not free. And if you ain't free, children, then you're a slave." What do you think he meant by that statement? How does voting equate with freedom?
Monday, March 25
Good morning, U. S. History students! I hope everyone is having a safe and enjoyable Spring Break! Some important notes for you: I will be making the first Selma Lord Selma post this evening. You will have until April 1st to respond. When you return to school on April 1st please have your book; we will be reading chapter 3 in class that day. You will also receive your SLS project next Monday. Your first SLS quiz will be next Thursday. We only have seven weeks of school left (yea!) and only six for school work. We have four chapters to cover in our textbook in the next six weeks. You will also have two "mini" projects in that time; one with chapter 22, and one with chapter 23. Enjoy your spring break and be ready to work when you return!
Friday, February 8, 2013
Friday, February 8
U. S. History-- Students doing AHSGE prep will need to complete Lessons 1 & 2 from The American Vision workbook. You should already have Lesson 1 in your AHSGE folder. Students doing regular classwork need to complete the primary source activity "The Yankee President" and the geography activity entitled "Roads, Dams and Bridges". Economics students need to complete their Chapter 3 vocabulary and Guided reading 3-1. **Important note** Yesterday I received an email from Wanda McAbee of the Stock Market Game simulation, and she informed me that we had accidentally been put in the wrong region. (This is why you were shown as competing with an elementary school and a middle school.) As of today you have been placed into the correct region, therefore your standings have changed. Instead of competing against 51 teams, you are actually competing against 358 teams, all of which are high schools. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Thursday, February 6
U. S. History students-- Have now been split into two groups. Students who have already passed the Social Studies subtest of the AHSGE did chapter 21, section 1 guided reading and took notes today. Students who still need to pass the AHSGE put together their folders today. If you did not have your green folder, please haev one tomorrow. We also started on AHSGE Standard I, Objective 1. Economics students-- Please remember that you have a chapter two test tomorrow and there will be no re-test.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Friday, February 1
Economics students-- When I scheduled your test for next week, I forgot to factor in our library day (Monday) and Signing Day (Wednesday). Therefore your test will be pushed back to Thursday. Because I am extending your time by two days and giving you ample time to study, there will be NO re-test. U. S. History students-- Your chapter 20 test will be Tuesday. There is a study guide already up on the wiki. (www.apricechs210.wikispaces.com) You will NOT have a re-test, so please be prepared for this test. Beginning Wednesday, these classes will be divided into two groups. Students who have not passed the Social Studies portion of the graduation exam will have five weeks of intensive tutoring on AHSGE objectives. Students who have passed the Social Studies portion will be doing independent study, including an independent project. You will be in class, but for the most part you will be on your own. If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Thursday, January 31
U.S. History students-- if you missed class today we had a creative writing assignment about the Great Migration. Here is the assignment so that you can get it turned in in a timely fashion: pretend that you are an African American moving to the north during the great migration. Write a letter to a relative explaining your decision. Why are you moving? Where are you moving to? How will you make a living? Be descriptive, but keep in mind the facts of the time period. Your letter should be between a half page to one full page long. Economics students: If you missed class today we did bellringers #4 and a guided reading activity. you will have a quiz tomorrow on chapter 2 section 3. Your chapter two test will be be next Tuesday.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Thursday, January 24
U. S. History students: Those of you who made a D or F on the chapter 19 test will have a re-test tomorrow. There IS NO MAKEUP of the re-test. Students who made an A, B, or C please make sure you have turned in your enrichment activity. Economics students: Over 30 of you have not paid your $5 fee for participation in the Alabama Stock Market Game. You must do this. The simulation begins on Monday. If you do nto participate in this simulation it will be VERY difficult for you to pass this nine weeks.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Monday, January 21
Good morning and happy MLK Day! I sincerely hope that all of you got up this morning and found a community service activity in which to participate. Important notes for this week: U. S. History students-- Your chapter 19 test is this Wednesday. Economics students-- Your chapter One re-test is tomorrow for those who made a D or F on the Chapter One test. All others, your enrichment assignment is due tomorrow. Also, please remember that if you haven't paid your Stock Market Game fee you have until this Thursday. The simulation starts next Monday.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Wednesday, January 17
Economics students: If you missed class today we had a test on chapter 1. We will have a re-test on Tuesday. Remember the re-test is a one off-- if you are not there to take it, you lose your opportunity to take it. We also did chapter 2 vocabulary. These are on the wiki ONLY. Important reminder: Your $5 fee for the Alabama Stock Market Game is due on January 24th. U. S. History students: If you missed the documentary entitled "Russia's Last Tsar" you have until next Wednesday to turn in a one page report on the Russian Revolution. Today wwe took notes entitled "America Mobilizes." These are located on the wiki and the webpage. We also did Guided Readimg 19-3. You can get this off the absentee bulletin board when you return. We did not turn it in, but we will after we complete the back side of the paper.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Thursday, January 10th
Important Notice for ALL students and parents: Report card distribution has been pushed back until tomorrow!!! U. S. History students: Took a test on Their Eyes Were Watching God. If you missed it, you must see me BEFORE school to make it up. Tomorrow you will have a quiz on Chapter 19, section 1 of the textbooks. Refer to your notes fron Tuesday and to the chapter 19, section 1 guided reading. Economics students: Took notes entitled "Trade-offs and opportunity costs". These are located on the wiki and the webpage. You might also want to look at examples of production possibilities curves (production possibilities frontier) online. We also did a bellringer and an assignment entitled "Looking at Alternatives". You can get this off the absentee board when you return to school. I did NOT take it up. Please Rememeber: you need to bring $5 for participation in the Alabama Stock Market Game by January 24th.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Tuesday, January 8th
U. S. History students-- Should have completed and turned in Chapter 19 Vocabulary. These terms are online on the wiki. If you missed class today, please be aware that we finished Their Eyes Were Watching God and you will have a test on the book (not the movie) this Thursday. We will NOT have the previously planned quiz. If you missed school Friday you should have gotten Vocabulary Activity 19 yesterday. That needs to be turned in by tomorrow. You DO need to complete the map activity from Thursday as well, but I will not be taking that assignment up for a grade. Your first set of notes for chapter 19, "The Start of World War I" are already online on the wiki and the webpage. Economics students-- Should have completed and turned in Chapter 1 vocabulary. These terms are online on the wiki and the webpage. All Economics students need to bring $5 for participation in the Alabama Stock Market Game by January 24th. The simulation runs from January 28- April 5th. You will be in teams of three for this simulation, and you are welcome to pick your own teams. Participation is NOT an option. This simulation will represent two major project grades and two participation grades.
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