
Once a Wolverine, ALWAYS a Wolverine!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday, October 16

Economics students, you will be taking a re-test on chapter 4 on Monday. You do not need to bring your books to class. Over the weekend please complete the chapter 5 vocabulary.  You can find it on the wiki. Psychology students, your Piagetian tasks project is due Monday.  You will not need your textbooks. Also, please remember to bring a half poster board for class on Wednesday.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday, October 15

Economics students who missed class today will need to see me after school next Tuesday or Thursday to make up the test they missed.  You also need to do chapter 5 vocabulary, which is online on the class wiki.  Psychology students, please be reminded that your Piagetian Tasks project is due Monday.  This is a major grade worth 150 points!  If you missed class today, you need to get handouts 12-3 and 12-6 from the absentee board.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tuesday, October 13

For the Economics students who did not achieve 60% passing on Unit 1 of ACCESS, I have opened up Unit 4.  For the final time I reiterate: MPS says you MUST complete three units of ACCESS successfully in order to meet the 20 hour online course requirement.  Unit 4 is worth 452 points.  In order to achieve passing you must score 60% of 452.  You need to do your best, as clearly you did not do so on Unit 1, or you would not be in this predicament.  I will not be grading Unit 4 anytime soon.  That does not mean you should wait to do it.  That means that you will not know until I grade it whether or not you will be graduating.  This is YOUR FAULT and YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.  It could have been avoided by taking ACCESS seriously when you were assigned Unit 1.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wednesday, October 7

Psychology students please remember that you have a test tomorrow on tomorrow on Infancy and Childhood. Economics students who have not completed ACCESS Unit 1 by now need to be aware that they will NOT be graduating in May.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday, October 6

Economics students: I have re-opened the ACCESS Unit 1 test.  It will close tomorrow at 8pm. It will NOT re-open. Please bring your notebooks tomorrow.  We will be organizing them for your notebook test on Friday. Psychology students have a test on Thursday on Infancy and Childhood. This module covers three sets of notes that are on the class wiki.  If you missed class today you need to make sure you get handout 11-6 from the absentee board.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Economics students I have had a chance to go through ACCESS and it is evident to see that most of you have decided you are not going to do it, and therefore not graduate next May.  This is not a choice.  If you don't complete Unit 1 by Monday it will be too late.  Unit 1 is going on your first nine weeks report card.  If you don't do it you WON'T graduate. Once your first nine weeks grades are in THEY ARE IN. They CANNOT be changed!  Do not shirk your responsibility with ACCESS. No amount of begging or promising will help you graduate if you don't get it done.