
Once a Wolverine, ALWAYS a Wolverine!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday, March 31

Hello and welcome back! I hope everyone had an enjoyable spring break. U. S. History students have a quiz tomorrow on Chapter 23 section 2. You will have a test on chapter 23 on Thursday. U. S. History students are expected to have the book Selma, Lord, Selma by next Monday. Economics students will have a quiz tomorrow on Chapter 4 section 2. Your chapter 4 test will be Wednesday. Please remember to continue to check your stock market portfolio's daily. You still have two major grades associated with the stock market simulation. Psychology students will have a quiz on Wednesday. You will not have a test for this chapter, but you do have a major grade assignment. Your groups for this assignment are the same as they were for the psychoactive drugs assignment. Group members will need to discuss their individual assignments. **NOTE** to all classesIf you have not signed up for Remind 101, please do so.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday, March 18

U. S. History students have a "mini project" due on Friday. This is the New Deal Poster project. If you need a project description they are on the absentee board in my classroom. Please remember your project must be original and cannot be copied from the Internet. Psychology students will have a test on Operant Conditioning on Thursday. Those of you going on the field trip to the Birmingham Zoo will need to make this test up on Friday morning before school. Please remember that you PSA project is due Thursday. This might be your only project this nine weeks so not doing it is NOT an option. Economics classes have been on hold this week due to me proctoring for the graduation exam. I anticipate having a substitute tomorrow, therefore please come to class. We are very behind.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Senior projects/ Graduation Exam Week Schedule

The extended time period for seniors to submit their 3rd nine weeks project elapsed at midnight on Friday. Half of you did not submit this project. Please inform your parents that you will have either a D or an F for the 3rd nine weeks in Economics, as this project was worth 210 points. Next week I will be administering the graduation exam. All students are expected to be in class daily. You will be responsible for completing your work daily. There is no open campus, and the administration has not said that the daily bell schedule will be frozen.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Due Dates for the week of March 10th

Make up days for all missed quizzes and tests will be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday after school this week. All such assignments MUST be made up by Thursday. U. S. History-- Great Depression Collage is due on Tuesday, March 11th. I will deduct ten points for every day that it is late so please turn your assignment in on time. Your chapter 22 test will be Thursday, March 13th. The nine weeks ends on Friday the 14th, therefore there will be NO re-test. Your 3rd nine weeks notebook test will be Friday, March 14th. Wednesday will be our notebook organization day. Please come to class with your notebook on Wednesday. Your 1920s Slang Dictionary is also due on that same day. This project will NOT be accepted late. You may turn it in early if you wish. If you will not be at school on Friday, make sure your project is. Economics-- Your chapter 3 test is tomorrow, Monday the 10th. Your 3rd nine weeks notebook test will be Thursday. Wednesday will be our notebook organization day. Please come to class with your notebook on Wednesday. You will not be allowed to go to your locker/ car/ gym/ friend's locker/ another teacher's classroom to get it. Your Economics Pop Up Video project is due Friday. My last day of taking questions on this project is tomorrow.