
Once a Wolverine, ALWAYS a Wolverine!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Psychology class took a test on Module five and did the module six vocabulary web. You will have to see me for the vocabulary assignment. The test was open book. U. S. History classes completed and turned in 16-2 guided reading and we did a biographical reading on Ida B. Wells-Barnett. These assignments are on the absentee bulletin board. Government classes did Bellringer #1 entitled "The Senate" then took the notes on "Power of Congress." These notes are on the class wiki. We also did a political cartoon and a reading on Hiram Revels. These assignments are located on the absentee bulletin board. Government classes will go to the library next Monday to work on the Create a State project. ALL CLASSES: Remember that I am giving homework passes out to students who participate in the community service activity by bringing donations of personal care items for the VA Hospital. I need these by next Friday.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday, October 28

Psychology students were given interview questions to interview people at different life stages. This will not be due until next week. Oral reports on rites of passage are due tomorrow. History students watched a video and took a video quiz on the gilded age. If you missed class today you will need to write a one page report by next Monday on that subject. Government classes completed a guided reading and re teaching activity. These assignments are on the absentee bulletin board. We also turned in bellringers. All students: we are taking donations to fill shoeboxes for veterans. These will be delivered on Veterans Day to the VA hospital. For those who choose to participate, please bring toiletries and personal care items to donate. I will be giving homework passes out for participation.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Monday's class

Government students had a test on chapter 4 and did chapter 5 vocabulary. On Tuesday you will receive your Create a State group project. This is a major project consisting of three grades: project grade, group grade, and individual grade. U. S. History students will have a test Wednesday on Chapter 15. If you missed class Monday you need to get 15-4 guided reading off the absentee bulletin board and turn it in to me. Psychology students went to the library to research an essay on rites of passage in world cultures. You will need to see me to get this assignment.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday, October 17

Due to the schedule being frozen for the PLAN test administration, the Government chapter 4 test will be on Monday.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday, October 15

Psychology classes-- started Module 5 dealing with adolescents. You will need to see me to get the devlopmental chart for this module. Please remember that your Piagetian tasks project is due Friday. You must answer ALL of the questions on handouts 11-7 and 11-9, and on handout 11-8, do number 1, number 2, and choose one of the experiments from number 3. All of your questions, answers, and experiment findings must be typed and presented in a clear plastic report cover. U. S. History classes did an immigration photo study and analyzed a line graph on immigration in the 1800s. We also turned in bellringers. The immigration graph can be found on the absentee bulletin board. Government classes took notes entitled "The Division of Powers in a Federal System." these notes can be found on the class wiki. We also went over guided reading 4-1. Your chapter 4 test will be this Friday.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Modnay, October 7

All students need to be reminded that tomorrow is the last day to make up test and quizzes. U. S. History students did bellringer #4: Analyzing tabular Data, then guided reading 15-1 and vocabulary activity 15. We turned in both worksheets. These can be found on the absentee bulletin board, and must be turned in by Wednesday in order to receive credit. Psychology> students took notes on Social Development and did a self evaluation to determine temperament. (11-3) The lecture notes can be found on the class wiki.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wednesday, October 2

All classes: The last day for makeup work for the first nine weeks is next Thursday. Government and History classes will have their notebook test next Thursday. Government classes will test tomorrow on the Constitution. Today we did two worksheets on the Bill of Rights. The worksheets were not collected and can be found on the absentee bulletin board. Remember, this test was announced on Monday, so even if you were absent today you are expected to take the test tomorrow. Due to the project due date on Monday there will be no re-test. U. S. History classes took chapter 14 test today and completed chapter 15 vocabulary. Those who were goven extended time on vocabulary please remember that your vocabulary is due by 7:30 tomorrow morning. Tomorrow I will distribute your first project. This is the Turn of the Century PhotoStory project. If you would liek to get ahead, a description of this project, the project rubrics and two examples can be found on the class wiki. Psychology classes took notes on Cognitive Development. These notes can be found on the wiki. Psychology classes will be given their next project tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Test and Project Due Dates

U. S. History classes have a test on Chapter 14 tomorrow. The re-test will be Friday. You will also receive your Photo Story project this Thursday. Government classes have a test on the Constitution this Thursday. There will not be a re-test! Your Revolutionary Rap project is due next Monday.