
Once a Wolverine, ALWAYS a Wolverine!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday, August 30

Government classes took a test on chapter 1 and did chapter 2 vocabulary. Chapter 2 vocabulary can be found on the class wiki or under the "assignments" link on my Carver webpage. I will be taking up vocabulary at the door tomorrow as you enter class. Don't forget your homework on the Republican National Convention is due tomorrow. U. S. History students will have a test on geography skills tomorrow. A study guide is posted online on the class wiki or under the "forms" link on my Carver webpage.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday, August 29

U. S. History classes today did bellringer #4, entitled "United States Natural Resources", and a geography skills activity called "Understanding Time Zones". U.S. History will have a Geography Skills Test on Friday. You may check your class page on the wiki or go to my Carver webpage and click the "forms" link to download a copy of the study guide for this test. Government students had a quiz on chapter 1 section 2. If you missed class today, you need to make this up as soon as possible either before or after school. We also did a chapter 1 reteaching activity and a political cartoon. These will be located on the absentee bulletin board until Friday. Don't forget that you have a chapter 1 test tomorrow. The test will cover the following all of the chapter 1 vocabulary terms, the notes titled "Intro to Government", all of the charts we did (including today), the four essential features of a state, the four functions of government, and the four theories of the origins of government. Also your homework assignment on the Republican National Convention is due Friday.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesday, August 28

Government students did Guided Reading 1-3 and a political cartoon in class today. These are on the absentee bulletin board, and you may get one the day you creturn to class. They also copied a chart on the SMARTboard comparing democracies and dictatorships. SMART software documents are not posted on the Internet, so you will have to get this information from a classmate. A bellringer entitled "The Main Types of Government" was also given out. I graded and gave back the chapter 1 vocabulary activity. You need to get it when you return to school because you will need it to study for Thursday's test. Government students were given a homework assignment today that will require them to watch part of the Republican National Convention. You must evaluate one speaker using a document I provided. Please see your class page on the wiki or click "assignments" on my Carver webpage for more information on this assignment. The assignment is due Friday. You will have a quiz tomorrow on Chapter 1, section 2. ** Bonus for Government students: Anyone who provides the answers for the following will recieve a homework slip in class tomorrow. 2nd period students-- Who gave the keynote address at the RNC Tuesday night? 3rd period students-- What state is he from? 7th period students-- What is his position in his home state?** U. S. History students did a partner participation activity using Alabama maps. There is no make up for this activity, so you must replace it with a homework slip.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday, August 27

If you missed class today: Government students did a bellringer entitled "Recognizing Propaganda", a primary source reading excerpt of "The Second Treatise of Civil Government", and took a quiz on the Four Essential Features of a State, the Four Functions of Government, and the Four Theories of the Origins of Government. Please make sure that you get a copy of the PSR off the absentee board. You may come before or after school Tuesday or Thursday to make up your quiz. You will have a "zero" in the gradebook until the quiz is made up. Government class will have a test on Chapter 1 this Thursday. U. S. History students did bellringer 3, entitled "World Map", and a geography skills lesson entitled "Finding Places Using Latitude and Longitude". Please make sure you get a copy of the geography skills lesson off the absentee board. U. S. History will have a test on Geography skills this Friday.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Friday, August 24

If you missed class today: In American Government we took notes on the "Main Types of Government." These notes can be found on www.apricechs210.wikispaces.com or under the "presentations" link on my webpage at www.carversr.mps-al.org. Don't forget that you have a quiz Monday on the Four Theories of the Origins of Government, the Four Purposes of Government, and the Four Essential Features of a State. In U. S. History we did a geography skills activity called "Locating Places Using a Grid". You need to get it off the absentee board when you return to class. We did not turn it in. All classes, please remember that you need to go either to the wiki or the webpage to print off a copy of your syllabus by Tuesday.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday, August 21

All classes please remember to go to either the class wiki (www.apricechs210.wikispaces.com) or my Carver webpage at www.carversr.mps-al.org and print off a copy of your syllabus by next Monday. On my Carver webpage, these can be found under the link that says "Forms." All students need to thoroughly read the CHS uniform policy as described in the student handbook. There will be a quiz on this tomorrow.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Introduction to Class

Hello, and welcome to the new school year. This is our class blog and all students are required to join. All important class announcements, homework assignments, and pertinent information will be posted here. This should be checked by you daily, especially if you are absent. By next Monday, each student needs to go on either www.apricechs210.wikispaces.com or my webpage at www.carversr.mps-al.org and print off a copy of the syllabus for your class. You must bring it to me so that I can initial it in order to receive a grade. Please try to bring your supplies as soon as possible. You will be given homework passes for bringing your supplies in a timely manner.